BIG PICTURE MEDIA is a video production company with cinematographers based in Denver, Colorado & Ormond Beach, Florida. We work with organizations operating across Central & East Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America - focusing on issues related to human rights, education, public health, and poverty alleviation. Our clients use our film production services to reach donors and volunteers, increase awareness, apply for grants, and promote their hard work!

Check out some of our featured videos below:

We traveled to Jordan recently and met with Salah, who is the director of an orphanage for Syrian refugees in Jordan. We visited his site, and spent a few days exploring the neighborhood. Check out the video above and learn how the war in Syria continues to impact people in the reigon. Interview in Arabic.

During our time in Jordan we had a unique opportunity to catch up with an old friend, Ali. He’s getting ready to compete in a 180 KM race on horseback through the Wadi Rum desert, south of Amman. We captured some footage at the stables during a recent training session. Learn more about these endurance races in our short video about Ali’s preparation for the upcoming race.

Grace: Access to Clean Water

Joseph: Finding Opportunity in the Developing World

Richard Wernick: Education Programs in Sierra Leone